the boards
editor-in-chief: kyubin kim
Class of 2022. Asian American feminist. Tried to rebrand to “Ze Foundationalist” but was unanimously rejected (but maybe your submission can be accepted!)
editor-in-chief: lily poppen
Class of 2022. Likes trees and long walks around the editorial board meeting room and is thrilled because The Foundationalist is paperless.
editor-in-chief: rachel yang
Class of 2022. Passionate about: naps, history, books with pretty covers, and edgy film bro movies.
2021-2022 editorial board
bryant blackburn, hanna cha, ella jaman, hannah kim, di phung,
bailey prete, jack wellschlager
2021-2022 associate editor
clayton wackerman
faculty advisor: Prof. Brock Clarke, Bowdoin College Department of English