How often do you publish?

  • Twice a year, each academic semester

  • We call for submissions twice a year; usually mid-September and mid-January.



Who can submit to your journal?

  • As we are a journal with all undergraduate editorial board students, we focus on adjudicating and publishing only undergraduate works. Only works from students currently enrolled in the university at the time of the submission will be considered for publication.



I see there are published works from your home institution. Are they adjudicated fairly against the entire submission pool?

  • As pieces from each respective branch are frequently submitted, they are adjudicated at a partner branch rather than the home institution (e.g. we will send pieces submitted from Bowdoin students to a partner branch to preserve anonymity and eliminate board member bias). All authors from The Foundationalist’s board undergo the same adjudication process.

bias elimination



  • Retain full ownership of their work and after publication through The Foundationalist are able to publish, reproduce, distribute, display and store pieces at their discretion.

  • Any publication occurring without a written contract implicitly grants First North American Serial Rights to the publisher


  • Receive proper attribution and citation as journal of first publication

  • Our standard is to keep published work in our archives and available to view after publication date indefinitely. Please email us if you would like your piece removed.

  • Published authors grant The Foundationlist full license for legal term of copyright to publish, reproduce, distribute, display, and store pieces in all forms, formats, and media.



Can I purchase print copies/back issues?

  • We are currently exploring options for individual orders. See our publication portal here for more info.



In accordance with the Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act nested in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Section 512(c), if the author believes that any work found on our website or published prior to The Foundationalist’s creation. Please email if you believe your copyright has been infringed upon.

Archive copyright



 All branches use a standardized rubric for each genre in order to evaluate pieces and ensure consistency amongst branches. We also use a standardized adjudication process in order to fairly evaluate each piece with full transparency to our board members and authors. If you are an author and would like to request our adjudication rubric, please email This will not increase your likelihood of being selected, but may afford you transparency in our adjudicating process.