volume VII, issue i

Meet our contributors

We’re happy to present another magnificent edition
and hope you enjoy exploring the unique literary worlds
that our authors have created.
— EIC Staff, 9th June 2022

volume Vi, issue iI

Meet our contributors

We invite you to meet us in this issue, to feel touched by our authors’ love of language, and to relish in this changing world we are coming together in once more.
— EIC Staff, 30th January 2022

volume vi, issue i

Meet our contributors

We’re proud of our resilient authors who were able to write with vigour in a time of stagnancy and we’re proud of our readers for supporting us as we continue to reflect on ourselves and how we can better serve the community of writers we want to champion.
— EIC Staff, 20th June 2021



“From our authors, we perceived the desire to articulate, to inquire, and to sublimate their feelings and experiences by the way of literary creation.”
— EIC Staff, 31st January 2021


November 30th 2020

For this 'mini-issue,' to be published digitally in-between our Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 issue, we are calling for any form of reactionary or contemplative writing in response to a prompt which we believe, will reflect the individual lived experiences during this time as parts of the shared collective:

What power does language hold? How has it been demonstrated by you or someone else, especially in 2020?

For additional information, please refer to the ‘2020 initiative’ tab under the ‘Contributors’ page on on our website. We look forward to reading your submissions!


We have been selected by Duotrope, an established, award-winning resource for writers and artists to be listed on their website!

Listed at Duotrope

We have been selected by NewPages.com, an official guide to literary magazines, independent publishers, creative writing programs, alternative periodicals, indie bookstores, writing contests, and more to be listed on their website!

We are featured on FUSE Magazine’s website!

News Features

Our journal was featured in Bowdoin College’s newspaper: The Bowdoin Orient! See the full article here.

Board meetings are an open platform for members to express their opinions on submissions which vary greatly in style and worldview.
— The Bowdoin Orient

Book Lists